Milk Time Analysis
Are you experiencing any of the following
- Milk units squawking & falling off?
- Cows kicking and dancing during milking?
- Damaged and sore teat ends?
- Uneven or slow milk-outs?
- Increase in SCC & Mastitis?
- Or do you simply want the peace of mind that your milking system is performing at its peak?
We offer complete Milk Time Analysis and NMC Vacuum System Audit Services.
Analysis of your Milking System & Routine
A complete Analysis of your Milking System & Routine has two parts.
Part One - Dry Tests
Tests that are done between milkings
We perform a full NMC vacuum system analysis that includes:
- Operating vacuums
- Unit fall off tests
- Effective & Manual Reserve
- Air admitted by System Components
- Vacuum pump capacities
- System Leakage
- Graph pulsator's
Visual inspection of your System (milk path, hoses, line slopes, vacuum line routing etc.)
Part Two - Wet Tests
Tests that are performed during milking
- Measuring teat end vacuum. Is your vacuum at the correct level for the liners you are using?
- Liner Mouthpiece Vacuum, gives an excellent indication of proper prep, liner fit and over milking.
- Teat scoring, how much damage teat end damage do you really have?
- Graphing Receiver and Milk Line Vacuum during milking. How stable is your vacuum during unit attachment?
- Evaluation and Timing of your Prep Routine. Are you milkers following a good routine?
We use the latest in high tech Vacuum Analysis Equipment with Bluetooth technology that attaches to your milk unit during milking. This enables us to monitor vacuum levels of complete milking's for several cows totally unobstructed. Data is uploaded after milking and compiled into detailed reports.
A complete report of all test results, recommendations, comments etc. is produced following our visit and copies are also sent to your Veterinarian if requested.
We highly recommend that you have both a scheduled maintenance and milking time analysis done annually each performed 6 months apart.
For more information or to book an appointment, please contact; or call 519-638-3535.